Children's books ages 9 and up

Discover hundreds of books for children aged 9 and over on eBooKids!

Rich and varied stories for older children wishing to learn by reading, having fun by discovering illustrated stories or audio books. All of our illustrated stories and audio books for children are available at smartphone, tablet and computer, always at hand.

From the book discovered by a 9-year-old girl on her grandparents' tablet during his vacation, to the evening story to sleep that an 11-year-old boy listens in its cozy bed, with eBooKids there are stories for every desire.

So, without further delay, find our children's books and all the great stories that they contain!

Books for 10 year olds

Our selection of books for 10-year-olds will allow you to satisfy all reading desires of your toddlers thirsty for children's literature.

Sleeping story about a little butterfly wondering about its difference, to the famous Hansel and Grethel tale, it is a myriad of books for 10 year old boys and girls waiting for them on eBooKids. Find new stories every day!

Little evening stories

Does your 9 year old daughter love little evening stories? Your son never falls asleep as peacefully as when immersing himself in the colorful world of illustrated tales before going to bed ? Then they will be happy to explore the range of books for children of eBooKids to draw their favorite stories. Will they opt for adventure stories retracing the epics crossed by great adventurers such as Christopher Columbus or will they prefer to fall asleep in discovering the pieces of life experienced by animals from all walks of life?

Children's audiobook

To listen to stories whispered softly by the voices of eBooKids, find our selection of audio books for children. Stories told by our team of enthusiasts to discover the adventures of thousands of characters touching, funny and full of twists and turns.

A sound dive into magical, incredible or instructive stories!

All children's audiobooks available on eBooKids are completely free then you can take the opportunity to discover hundreds of stories thanks to the addition daily new books.

Customizable book

You want to surprise your child with a customizable book of which you are the author? On eBooKids you can create a personalized children's book to to give your daughter or son a unique experience free of charge.

All you need to do is send us your story and we'll take care of it.

line on the platform so that your child can read and re-read it at any time. He it's time to let your imagination run wild and surprise your child!

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